Employee safety is of paramount importance at APS. We’ve developed practices and programs that ensure all employees work in a healthy and safe environment that allows them to perform at the highest level. Our comprehensive safety programs focus on human and organizational performance and injury case management which contribute significantly to our strong safety performance. As we continue to improve our safety performance, our ultimate focus remains serious injury reduction.
Safety Training. Safety training and education is a key feature of our safety program. APS requires all new hires to complete a general safety training that outlines expectations, regulatory guidelines and the overall safety culture at APS. Additionally, employees at APS are assigned mandatory recurring safety trainings based on their job duties and related regulatory training requirements.
Results. We have successfully reduced the number of overall injuries and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recordable injuries. Safety performance in 2023 continues to place us in the top quartile of utilities for OSHA recordable injuries. We have also seen a reduction in all injuries of 6% over the past five years.
APS continues initiatives geared toward building on our foundational Integrated Safety Management System to establish a culture of trust and continual learning that effectively addresses safety risks and continues to reduce serious injuries and fatalities. Our safety management system is designed to be consistent with relevant standards including those established by: International Organization for Standardization (ISO 45001:2018), OSHA, Arizona Department of Occupational Safety and Health and other industry standards.
Our safety initiatives focus on identifying high-energy hazard risks to ensure resiliency is built into our work processes and systems to protect employees. We have fully integrated the Safety Classification and Learning (SCL) model established by Edison Electric Institute into our existing programs and event analysis program. All events are reviewed through this model to understand our high energy risk and potential need for controls to reduce or eliminate that risk. With a focus on high-energy hazards, controls, our main objectives are to continue to learn as an organization, grow and adapt based on those learnings and build the capacity to fail safely. Human and organizational performance remains a focus with a priority placed on employee-supported learning teams and corrective actions that control risks by establishing a systems-focused workplace.
Learn about our Safety performance metrics.